A special method of non-stick coating provides dishes Röndell not only with durability and increased wear resistance, but also a flawless appearance throughout the shelf-life.
Technology "a triple in-stamped and then fused bottom" provides Röndell dishes with uniform heating of the whole product, the dishes are prepared faster and more economically, preserving the maximum of micro-elements, nutrients and vitamins.
A super modern method of processing the metal – anodizing – helped to create the safe, stable and stylish Röndell dishes of aluminum.
Modern materials used by Röndell in the manufacture of the main samples and accessories of tableware – high-quality stainless steel, cast aluminum, silicone, bakelite are environmentally friendly and safe for health, they withstand high temperatures, retain beautiful appearance and all their properties throughout the shelf-life and are suitable for intensive use.
Röndell dishes are made so that your food was extremely complete, really tasty and most useful for health and mood.
Röndell bottom design
The triple in-stamped and then fused bottom will ensure uniform and fast cooking.